Scott Specialty Series Album Pages: Great Britain 2020 Supplement #74.
Scott 3826, 3906, 3915b, 3925c and 3927 have been omitted because they are too large to fit on a page.
This supplement is complete with all listings assigned a major Scott number through 2020 in the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue.
Size: 10 x 11.5
Hole Punch: 3-Ring & 2 Square Post
Series: Specialty
**Print On Demand** Product may take up to 15 days to ship. Entire order will be held until item arrives.
2020 Scott Great Britain Supplement #74
SKU: 200S020 POD
$28.49 Regular Price
$24.99Sale Price
**Print On Demand** Product may take up to 15 days to ship. Entire order will be held until item arrives.